Banuti Ranchers Ltd
PO Box 27020
Kampala, Uganda
Phone: +256 772 402 430
Boran Sahiwal
Ankole Cattle Holstein Fresian
Black Angus Boran x Sahiwal
Boran x Ankole Boran x Friesian
Sahiwal x Ankole Sahiwal x Friesian
Charlois x Boran Friesian x Ankole

Banuti Ranchers Ltd
PO Box 27020
Kampala, Uganda

Phone: +256 772 402 430


The current Boran stud herd at Banuti Ranchers originated from the Ol Pejeta ranch, Mogwooni Ranch, and Solio Ranch in Kenya. Banuti Ranchers has been breeding Borans for over ten years with other prominent bulls acquired from members of the Boran Cattle Breeders Society including Homa Lime, Mutala in Kenya and Woragus Stud Tanzania. Banuti Ranchers has carefully selected and improved these Boran resulting in the finest Boran bulls you will find in sub-Saharan Africa bred from the best Boran genetics in Kenya. Historically, Kenyan ranchers developed the Boran from the cattle of the Borana people of southern Ethiopia. The breed was found in southern Ethiopia, northern Kenya and southwestern Somalia. The Boran belongs to the East African Shorthorned Zebu type and is raised primarily for meat production.

The Boran is a medium-size Bos indicus breed that shows high resistance to heat, ticks, and eye diseases. It can endure drought conditions and can live on low quality feed. They are suitable for crossbreeding and are known to be beef efficient cattle. Borans are highly fertile and mature earlier than most other Bos indicus breeds, and are noted for their longevity.

The characteristics of the Boran that are desirable include:

They are usually white or grey but are also found in red or pied. Bulls often displaying black points.

  • HEAD: Short and wide with a broad muzzle. Prominent, protective eyebrows. Small ears and not?drooping. A proportion of the breed is naturally polled (don't have horns).
  • DEWLAP: Well developed with plenty of loose skin.
  • NECK: Short, strong, deep and muscular.
  • SHOULDERS: Deep and full, broad brisket with shoulders well laid on the ribs which are well sprung.?Good depth at the girth, resulting in good capacity
  • HUMP: Prominent and well developed. Located directly over the withers
  • BACK: Broad, strong and straight. Characteristically the Boran has a low tail setting.
  • HINDQUARTERS: Broad and full continuing well down the second thigh and with good length from tail head to scrotum.
  • HIPS: Wide and well fleshed between the pin bones and the root of the tail.
  • LEGS: Medium length, strong and set square. Strong bone, but not coarse.
  • SCROTUM / SHEATH: Testes mature early and are well developed, whilst the sheath has firm skin and good muscle control, protecting the prepuce from shrubs, thorns and rough pasture.
  • SKIN COLOUR AND HAIR: Loose, thick and extremely pliable skin for added insect repellence and a dark pigment with fine short hair for heat tolerance. Hair colour - not brindle or black.

Cross Breeds include:

Boran x Sahiwal
Boran x Ankole
Boran x Friesian
Charlois x Boran

Click on the links below to see more images of:

Current Boran Breeding Bulls

Boran Cows

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